Wednesday, April 2, 2008


"Truly my soul silently waits for God;
From Him comes my salvation.
He only is my rock and my salvation;
He is my defense;
I shall not be greatly moved.
My soul, wait silently for God alone,
For my expectation is from Him.
He inly is my rock and my salvation;
He is my defense;
I shall not be moved.
In God is my salvation and my glory,
The rock of my strength,
And my refuge, is in God."
~Psalm 62:1-2, 5-7

I know that Mom quoted this on her blog today too, but I couldn't help copying, because it is one my most favorite Psalms. I have read it so much this semester... I have learned how truly sweet and comforting and wonderful our God's word is to my soul.
I love this one especially, and I love how it says in verse two, "I shall not be greatly moved..." to "I shall not be moved" in verse 6. First of all, David knows that being a little moved is not bad for him- it is something God will always use for the best. (Remember that, is it not for "fine" or "pretty good" that God works, not for an acceptable alternative, but for the best!) And then he moves from that acknowledgement to saying he shall not be moved at all. I think that is not because David has changed his mind and thinks God will not let him be moved at all after all, and it is not just for poetic emphasis that he changes that phrase so subtly, but because he has learned that nothing that can happen to him will ever truly move him. Nothing will take away his peace, joy, and delight in God, even if all else he delights in is gone. Nothing will move David from the foot of God's throne. I love that confidence, that peace, and that desperation to never leave God.

I know this will make my blog quite long, but I wanted to put up this excerpt from the song Caroline that I think I put up a while ago:

Yesterday is gone and
Everything that made you cry has fallen to the ground
I'm here to bring you home
I will always take you back
You haven't let me down

I know you want to run away
I know that you can't see tomorrow

Let me wipe away your tears, and give you life
Make you feel beautiful again
Don't throw it all away
I'm here tonight, to take away your pain

I think the other thing that threatens to move us is the thought of failing God, or thinking we have already failed Him, but look, we haven't let Him down. He knows we fail; but He is compassionate and is never by let down by our efforts to glorify Him. He is glorified in our trying, and in our delight in Him, not (just) by our successes. Let us never, ever stop delighting in Him- and He will be glorified.

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