Wednesday, April 14, 2010


In the library sat down next to a guy who I've had several English classes with. I've had several classes with him, and I don't know him well, but we're acquainted. Today He sat at one of the reference computers with a large teddy bear sitting next to it.
I thought it might be the librarians' way of lightening the pre-finals mood, but it was next to Ian. So I sat down at the next computer over. Let's just call the guy Ian.

Me: Is that your teddy bear?
Ian: Yes, he is mine. It's Wednesday.
Me: Mm., he looks like a nice bear.
Ian: Yes, he comes studying with me on Wednesdays. Sometimes he studies with me.
Me: He must make your Wednesdays very... productive.
Ian: Yes.

I think of Aloysius and Brideshead Revisited, picturing Sebastian Flyte in all his epicene beauty and charmed despairing life, carrying around a teddy bear. I laugh.

Me: Have you read Brideshead Revisited?
Ian: Yes, that's where it comes from.... his name is actually Aloysius.
Me: I think I might have to start calling you Sebastian.
Ian: Oh, no.
Me: Please don't end up in a monastery.

I wonder if Evelyn Waugh knew that someday some college boy, lacking the epicene beauty and despair of life, would simply carry around a teddy bear on Wednesdays.