Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Memory Verse

I just picked up John Piper's wonderful book When I Don't Desire God again the other day, and I was so encouraged about ways I can "let the Word of Christ dwell in [me] richly." I'm in the chapter on reading the Word, and Pastor Piper strongly advises memorizing scripture. I realized that would be the perfect way to have it always in my mind, and to remind me of the One who is much more important than any paper or reading assignment or even good time with my suitemates.
It was hard to choose a verse to start with, but I finally settled on Philippians 3:1-3:
"Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord.
For me to write the same things is not tedious, but for you it is safe.
Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of mutilation!
For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh..."

Monday, September 21, 2009

A new brother

The one in the white shirt, on the end, is Michel. =)

When I was in Holland this summer, one of the boys who was hanging out with the youth group was Michel. He wasn't a Christian, and he was really wrestling with the truth of the Bible, but he loved the community of Christ at Cross Culture Calvary Chapel. I talked to him a little bit, and he was just so hesitant and doubtful. But since then he's spent more time with the church body, and Pastor Stan gave him a Bible.
This morning (on facebook-- how strange is our modern age!) I saw that he had updated his religious views. Now it says "Christelijk-" Christian! I was SO happy. Praise the Lord for His salvation!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I'm Sorry. This Just Kills Me.

Isn't this just the epitome of BOYS? Come on. You know it is.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Very Merry Birthday

I discovered something about birthdays this year. It is, particularly when away from home, probably more satisfyingly fun to host your own day than to be served all day. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like my girlies feel pressured to make the day as special here as it would be if I were at home. But I'd rather just enjoy the day with them comfortably, and be happy for the cards and calls and beautiful flowers that come from home.

"You're making your own cake?!" Said everyone. "What, make your own dinner!" Exclaimed Natalie. "Don't serve your own cake!" She scolded later.
But you can't imagine how nice it is to be the hostess, to serve the cake on your own vintage china, and to display flowers for everyone to look at! It's very satisfying, I think. It made me feel like the day was mine to give away.
It was a very busy one, with classes and meetings and homework, but the girls were so sweet. Natalie bought me my mocha, and Vanessa my Oakley sandwich. (You can't imagine what that means unless you've eaten there, but trust me. Mm-mm!) Home-sent flowers sat waiting for me when I got home from classes. (I like people to admire my thoughtful Mr. Darcy-like father when they look at them. :)) Finally, Geoff and Brandon came by unexpectedly for cake with the girls and I. They also ate off of china plates! And I did get my call from home. :)
All in all, as a hostess of the rather odd age of 22, I enjoyed the day immensely.

A Day at the Arlington Racetrack

Waiting for the horses to come around the corner...
Look at them fly!
"My horse won, My horse won!"