Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I had a thought

Mom's post made me think about something my Old Testament professor said one day in class, when we were talking about Adam and Eve's sin in the garden. He said that all sin results from the thought that God is withholding something from us, that this is something we want because either God is not sufficient to satisfy our hearts at the moment or it's something He is not giving us.
Something that led to was very good meditation on the fact that God never withholds any good thing from us. He gives to us exactly what we need, and even things we don't need. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

It's almost that time

It's almost time for Thanksgiving cooking, tree decorating, Christmas shopping, cookie baking... mmm, how delightful!
I am so happy to be going home for Thanksgiving break; I even get to leave on Saturday instead of Tuesday (which is when break officially starts.) Probably a very good thing, despite the fact that I have all my papers to finish writing before I leave. And program notes for the next orchestra concert. But all my papers are so fun... I get to write about Edgar Allen Poe, Lully and Louis XIV in French Baroque music, Henry Fielding's satiric mock-heroic novel Jonathan Wild, and then write notes for concert-goers on Tchaikovsky and J.S. Bach. Yay.
It has actually been a blessing in disguise that I've gotten sick. Because apparently I have pneumonia, but caught it very early on and got drugs. :-) So I feel fine, but am allowed to stay home and rest, giving me time to write. Thank you, Jesus!
And I'm listening to Ella while I do it. :-)