Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Very Merry Birthday

I discovered something about birthdays this year. It is, particularly when away from home, probably more satisfyingly fun to host your own day than to be served all day. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like my girlies feel pressured to make the day as special here as it would be if I were at home. But I'd rather just enjoy the day with them comfortably, and be happy for the cards and calls and beautiful flowers that come from home.

"You're making your own cake?!" Said everyone. "What, make your own dinner!" Exclaimed Natalie. "Don't serve your own cake!" She scolded later.
But you can't imagine how nice it is to be the hostess, to serve the cake on your own vintage china, and to display flowers for everyone to look at! It's very satisfying, I think. It made me feel like the day was mine to give away.
It was a very busy one, with classes and meetings and homework, but the girls were so sweet. Natalie bought me my mocha, and Vanessa my Oakley sandwich. (You can't imagine what that means unless you've eaten there, but trust me. Mm-mm!) Home-sent flowers sat waiting for me when I got home from classes. (I like people to admire my thoughtful Mr. Darcy-like father when they look at them. :)) Finally, Geoff and Brandon came by unexpectedly for cake with the girls and I. They also ate off of china plates! And I did get my call from home. :)
All in all, as a hostess of the rather odd age of 22, I enjoyed the day immensely.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Um, actually it's an EVEN age. ;)