Monday, September 21, 2009

A new brother

The one in the white shirt, on the end, is Michel. =)

When I was in Holland this summer, one of the boys who was hanging out with the youth group was Michel. He wasn't a Christian, and he was really wrestling with the truth of the Bible, but he loved the community of Christ at Cross Culture Calvary Chapel. I talked to him a little bit, and he was just so hesitant and doubtful. But since then he's spent more time with the church body, and Pastor Stan gave him a Bible.
This morning (on facebook-- how strange is our modern age!) I saw that he had updated his religious views. Now it says "Christelijk-" Christian! I was SO happy. Praise the Lord for His salvation!


Malee Joi said...

Aw, so cool!! I always think it's awesome to hear about people coming to Christ in the part of the world. Btw, Michael, thanks for the post! I just now saw it, and I totally subscribed to your blog. Haha, it's hilarious how long it takes me to figure out anything technological. Well,have a good one! Miss you too!!

Michal said...

Hahaa, it took me forever to see your comment. :) I feel so loved; you're my first subscriber. :)