Wednesday, April 14, 2010


In the library sat down next to a guy who I've had several English classes with. I've had several classes with him, and I don't know him well, but we're acquainted. Today He sat at one of the reference computers with a large teddy bear sitting next to it.
I thought it might be the librarians' way of lightening the pre-finals mood, but it was next to Ian. So I sat down at the next computer over. Let's just call the guy Ian.

Me: Is that your teddy bear?
Ian: Yes, he is mine. It's Wednesday.
Me: Mm., he looks like a nice bear.
Ian: Yes, he comes studying with me on Wednesdays. Sometimes he studies with me.
Me: He must make your Wednesdays very... productive.
Ian: Yes.

I think of Aloysius and Brideshead Revisited, picturing Sebastian Flyte in all his epicene beauty and charmed despairing life, carrying around a teddy bear. I laugh.

Me: Have you read Brideshead Revisited?
Ian: Yes, that's where it comes from.... his name is actually Aloysius.
Me: I think I might have to start calling you Sebastian.
Ian: Oh, no.
Me: Please don't end up in a monastery.

I wonder if Evelyn Waugh knew that someday some college boy, lacking the epicene beauty and despair of life, would simply carry around a teddy bear on Wednesdays.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh Michal, delightful! I have to say, :( I haven't read Bridshead Revisited. YET! It's in the 'to read someday' category. Here I go. BUT, I totally get the joy of meeting someone who shares literature love(to such a degree!!), and names teddy bears after teddy bear characters!! Inside the walls of our house, where we endlessly quote Wodehouse and Milne, you and 'Ian' could feel right at home. It's like book-nerd planet. The 'nerd' word doesn't offend does it? We think it's a term of pride and endearment here. LOVE YOU, sweet girl of my heart.

Have a great day--
Auntie M.