Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Day In The City

Guess where I went today?! (photo courtesy of my PhotoBooth :))
We had a music history research trip to the UM music library in Ann Arbor, and after a day of research, we went into the city for two hours. What fun! You should have seen us! In Jerusalem Garden eating falafel... in the two-storyStarbucks drinking mochas on a leather couch and unwinding to Nora Jones... in the used bookstore, where I found What Katy Did Next for $2.50, in a row of delicious books I've loved since I was old enough to read what Dad was reading... in Borders reading the new Vogue!! Unfortunately, we didn't have a camera, so we have no pictures of our adventures in the big city. But let me tell you, civilization is exciting. :-)

1 comment:

Kat said...

Lovely cousin. I am glad that you had such a delightful time. :)