Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Little Writing

One of my best friends and I started writing an ongoing story together in 8th grade; convinced that we'd be too old for such silly stuff in college, we planned to have all the ends tied up by our senior year of high school. To our surprise we found that there was more to writing stories than happy endings; new appreciation for the depth and complexity of human character have kept us writing these seven years.
My friend is frustrated with life in general right now, and not sure what she's doing about school or moving out or anything like that right now; we don't write often anymore, but one particular newish character is a favorite of mine and seems to be very wise. :) So I sat down the other day and wrote from him, wanting to give her hope that life will not continue to be hard and frustrating forever. I'm posting that now (as a separate post, since it's pretty long; it isn't much, but perhaps it will remind you Who our hope comes from. :-)

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