Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Simple Woman's Daybook

I am still figuring out the tech part of the linking and everything that go with this Daybook... and I posted it on Tuesday even though I wrote it on a Monday... oops :P But I'll get it right soon ;)


Outside My Window... A courtyard with stones and ivy that I've seen for two years and will trade next fall semester for the arboretum :-)

I am thinking... about C.S. Lewis and my test on that class; about reading The Problem of Pain this summer; about being done and seeing people :-)

I am thankful for... People to study with and later to do nothing with

From the kitchen... A random assortment of end-of-the-year dorm food... a quesadilla Chris made, chicken noodle soup, macaroni and cheese, an apple, and popcorn...

I am wearing... A blue skirt from Israel and a black t-shirt over a white cami, flip flops, hair down, and earrings Mom sent :-)

I am creating... A mental layout of my suite for next year and a list of what we still need, a plan for coordinating the Suites small groups, Bible studies, and discipleship groups, and a list of potential leaders I still need.

I am going... to take a test at one and be DONE with my sophomore year after that!

I am reading... Notes on many C.S. Lewis books, The Once And Future King, and my Bible

I am hoping... to spend a great deal of time in prayer & reading & waiting on God very soon.

I am hearing... People talking as they study or (sleepily ;)) celebrate the end of the school year.

Around the house... Half-packed boxes, unwanted clothes, old notebooks and out-of print textbooks, girls sitting in flip-flops happy to have finished their first year of school

One of my favorite things... Books- the smell of them. And horses :-) The smell of them, and the feel of them, and the sound of them eating.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Watch movies on our list :-) Spend time with Clara, go visit the boys, go to the Orchestra concert and jazz afterglow, say goodbye after graduation, go to Chicago :-)

1 comment:

Kat said...

Delightful! Thank you for sharing about your day. I hope all the finishing up of your school year goes well; enjoy the last bits with your girls. I get to see you in a couple of weeks. Woo hoo!