Saturday, May 31, 2008

Starbucks madness

I am visiting my [crazy :-) ] friend Carlene this weekend, and since my visit was very last minute, she's worked every day. But she works at Starbucks and opens alot, so I've been getting up several hours after her and going to Starbucks to hang out for the last few hours of her shift. I brought Stephen Lawhead's newest book, Scarlet, with me, and I finished it today. So good! It's the second in a series about Robin Hood, set in Wales at the time of the Norman invasion, in the late 12th century. Scarlet is, naturally, told from Will Scarlet's perspective. It was the perfect book to read with my coffee in the mornings. :-) I also talked to a few of the people who work there with Carlene. Like R, her manager, who is crazy and told her we'd better do "something fun" since she wasn't working this afternoon, then give a full report of how much fun we had. Or else. And V, who "loves semicolons" and has awesome bouncy hair. And K, who told R and Carlene he wanted my phone number. Rule #1: if you don't want someone to know something, don't tell R. R promptly told me what K said.
And RY, who obediently wrote " X amazing" on my cup when Carlene told him to put make my coffee extra amazing. And there were many more...
Since I spent so much time at Starbucks this week, let me give you some drink advice :-) Try....

A grande Starbucks Doubleshot with four shots instead of three. With X Amazing.
A black tea lemonade with apple juice instead of lemonade (don't ask) and a few pumps of raspberry.
Zen Tazo tea. Perfect for reading.
A black and white mocha (half white, half regular chocolate, which balances the two, and a pump of vanilla.)

Oh yes, and smile at your barista! :-)


Mom B. said...

Michal dearest,
You are such a joy to my heart and a balm to my spirit. The image of you at Starbucks with one of your "amazing" concoctions reading Scarlet is just too precious and perfect for a college girl in the summer. You have such a zest for seeing beauty in the mundane. I love you! Yeah I know it says this is from Mom B but I just changed it from Mamachka. Maybe it should be Mom/Grandmom B. Stay sweet and stay gold.

Michal said...

Mom B, I love you :-) YOU help me see beauty in the mundane, you know. ;)
And I think you need a blog!

Kat said...

Deliciousity. Literally and figuratively. Wish I could join you for an afternoon!

I think Grammy should have a blog too!