Monday, January 28, 2008

A Weekend of Very French History

First, don't you just love the room we camp out in on weekends that involve mostly studying? It's just part of the lobby in Mauck, where Natalie and Amy live, but it's beautiful .

Then you have to just get a kick out of Wright's history book...

"Their suggestion is that the kings, despite their deplorable lack of backbone, were more to be pitied than censured. The real trouble makers, according to this theory, were the selfish beaurocrats of the parlements, whose narrow recalcitrance undermined the monarchy while it opened the way to abstract theorists and political fanatics."

"A few months later the last feeble barrier to their triumph was cleared away when Louis XVIII at last expired."

A very French version of history, no? This is for my History of France After 1815 class, which I love; this book gives me endless amusement while I study.

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