Friday, September 7, 2007

Yesterday Paul and I were up in the student center at school, talking and waiting for someone he was supposed to meet with. Well, his friend never showed up, but I did hear one end of a conversation he had with his best friend Jason on the phone. Jason and I ended up having a conversation through Paul which ended in Jason telling me it's on between us- haha. Boys.
When the person Paul was supposed to meet never showed up, we walked back to Olds so I could get my homework and then to his house to work, since Olds had no visitation. Once we were there, I opened Pages on my computer to type up notes, and Paul wrote, "Hi, Michal." and this is how our conversation went:

M- Hello, Paul.
P- I think I might have this tiny little crush on you.
M- Yeah? Well, I wasn't going to say anything, but I have a crush on you too.
P- Shut up!! (he likes to impersonat our Armenian friend Ben, who says that)
M- Ok... I guess I will. I knew you didn't really like me.
P- No! I do! Will it help if I tell you I do like you? What else will help?
M- Hm... nothing else. Just you.
P- That made no syntactical or grammatical sense.
M- I'm a girl. I give myself license to write how I want to.
P- Will it help if I come back for you after I graduate?
M- And do what?

He said out loud, "what do you want me to do?" I told him he could do whatever he wanted to, and he said, "I want to let you get a white dress, and put a ring on your finger... I'd like that. I want to marry you." He hugged me and told me he meant it, and I told him I liked it. :D So there it is, we've talked about marriage, and we like the idea... now we just have to wait two years after this school year; that gives us alot of time to just be in a solid, focused relationship. Now that we know where we're headed, it hasn't changed much, but it removes uncertainty; we can just be us. I'm happy with it ;)

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