Friday, August 31, 2007

Weekend Weekend Weekend!

Hooray for three day weekends! I'm done until Tuesday, and so happy about it. :)
Last week was pretty busy, being the first week of the semester, but this week was my real taste of what this year will be like. On Mondays and Fridays, I'm done at noon, which is so nice- all I have those days is Science Lecture and Music Theory 1. Wednesdays are the same, except I have voice class at 12. That's nice too. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my busy days: on Tuesdays, I have class from 9:30- 3:15 with choir from 4-5:30; Tuesdays 8-3:15 (with an hour break before lunch) and then choir. Whew! Monday nights Natalie and I co-lead a Bible Study, and a few times so far (and a few times a month) I sit desk in the evenings in my dorm. And hopefully I will soon have a job babysitting an infant :)
It sounds like a crazy schedule, and on Thursdays it feels like one ;) but MWF can be so nice. I have time to do my homework for the next day, and that's really nice. It's been wonderful seeing my friends and Paul again too :) He comes to sit desk with me, and he has a house "off campus" that's a five minute walk from Olds so I can study there without worrying about breaking visitation rules. (visitation is only parts of a few days a week in dorms.) That's been nice, too, because I really can do my homework, but then we always end up talking and laughing and even having a pillowfight :) It's been a good thing.
I've also been learning alot, spiritually. I'm learning from preparing for Bible Study, from talking to friends and Mary Beth especially, and from talking to Paul. Paul is so zealous about studying the word, and he knows more than I do by far, and we've talked about creation, adoption, love, marriage, our inheritance in Christ, holiness, the fruit of the spirit, worship, and the will of God. He challenges me and blesses me in a way none of my friends do.
My friends here have been wonderful too, though. I study with my girls alot, and we eat lunch together; Mary Beth and I can spend hour talking, so we do that a few times a week too. :)
With all of this, despite missing my family (alot!), I feel so blessed to be here. I hope you all have a great weekend together, especially with Mom there :)


Kat said...

It is good to hear about how your school year is starting off. It sounds like a good life. We missed you so much on Sunday! I am very much looking forward to seeing you sometime (whenever that happens to be!). I am enjoying being able to keep up with your life via this blog. May the Lord be with you and in you at all times. Love you cousin! ::'~Katie Rose

Michal said...

Thank you, sweet cousin! It's wonderful to hear from you :) I wish I could have been with you all on Sunday too ;)