Monday, June 1, 2009

Hoofdoorp, Here I Come

In sixteen days I fly off to Holland with my friend Michelle! Oh my goodness. I'm really excited. Nervous, too, of course; I've been responsible for a large part of the trip and it's partly my choices that decide how the trip turns out. It's looking different than it did last year and even six months ago; I thought there would be several more people coming, giving us a "normally" sized & "normally" functioning missions team. Why I wanted the additional stress of being in charge of other people in a foreign country I don't know. :) What I do know, though, is that this missions trip is turning out how God always intended for it to. It's His good pleasure that Michelle and I go; many other people were given the opportunity, and despite some other interested friends, it'll be the two of us. 
Despite my flaws -- read procrastination and indecision- as a trip planner, I really think God will be working a lot during our two weeks in Hoofdoorp, Netherlands. We'll be working with the youth at Cross Culture Calvary Chapel there, serving with them and showing them how to make servanthood for Christ a daily part of their lives and faith. What a challenge for us; that's what Michelle and I are still learning to do, of course. But God has called, and He is faithful to complete through us what He's asked. 
We'll be going to their school to pray, going to the college to help them begin ministry on campus much like what we've been growing at Hillsdale, doing a lot of prayer walking, identifying needs in the town and ways to meet them, and doing some evangelism. Please pray for boldness; Michelle and I are both quiet people who don't like to inconvenience others or be turned down. We need words to speak. But we have the Living Word; pray for us to be filled up with the Spirit so we do speak. 
Still working out daily plans; but they're coming together. Planning small group discussions and Bible studies to go through with the Dutch kids in the evenings, and what we need most to study. I'll be updating frequently, I hope, until I'm back and have lots to say. :) 

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