Monday, February 23, 2009

How to do it well

I talked to Joey today over Skype about Amsterdam and what we will be doing over there this June. It was a good conversation, and I'm glad we've got the ball rolling on practical things. It was also just nice to reconnect and talk to Joey, to hear his heart for the needy of the Netherlands. But I'm left, most of all, with a challenge.
It's such an exciting challenge. I'm beginning to feel again like Jeremiah; His Word is like a fire in my bones, and I cannot contain it. But here's the challenge: Joey's heart, and now mine, and I think God's, for the trip is that we would really teach the kids at the young church how to live "missionally": how to serve, to be Jesus' hands and feet to the people that live around them. How do we best do that? How do we teach them to serve, when we are learning to do so ourselves? Where can we be most effective? How can we best disciple these kids we've never met and reach people in a country we've never been? Most of all, I feel the challenge of needing to have a life that is doing what we need to teach them.
Please tell me, how do you do this? How can I do it better? What does it look like, for me on Hillsdale's campus, to live as though Christ is the only thing I live for?


Kristina said...

Oh darling girl. Now I know how to pray for you. I hear the passion, I see God calling you, I hear your heart. I will not hastily answer this question, but will pray and meditate on the scripture, and ask God to guide my heart and my words. Jesus richly, deeply bless you on this journey. I cannot wait to talk about all of this. I love you!!

Michal said...

Thank you, Mamasita :-) I look forward to talking to you about it. The call of God is truly a glorious, difficult thing. I want to be like Jeremiah, declaring the Word of the Lord even to an unbelieving people... but I'm not there yet. Thank you for your prayers :) I love you!