Monday, January 26, 2009

In My Brokenness Complete

Do you listen to Starfield? They were popular a few years ago, but I haven't heard them lately except on the workout mix on my iPod. :-) But my favorite of their songs, ever since I heard it, has been Unashamed. Look it up. :)
The words in the tag, for lack of a more descriptive word, are this:

"Here I am at your feet
In my brokenness complete
At your feet I'm complete"

What an intriguing and wonderful idea to be whole in brokenness. It must be the same as when Paul says that God's strength is made perfect in our weaknesses. What a good God!
This mercy and real love is what sets God apart from the all other idols and gods ever invented, doesn't it? None of them are merciful; they are all quick to avenge themselves for any failure on man's part, and slow to forgive. They never compensate for their servants' weaknesses, and they never call them "children," "My people," or "My beloved." (Hosea 2).
Why would anyone make up a false god with qualities less desirable than our Living God? I don't know. But I know that I love our God, and hope someday to love Him with all my soul, strength and mind.

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