Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's almost that time

It's almost time for Thanksgiving cooking, tree decorating, Christmas shopping, cookie baking... mmm, how delightful!
I am so happy to be going home for Thanksgiving break; I even get to leave on Saturday instead of Tuesday (which is when break officially starts.) Probably a very good thing, despite the fact that I have all my papers to finish writing before I leave. And program notes for the next orchestra concert. But all my papers are so fun... I get to write about Edgar Allen Poe, Lully and Louis XIV in French Baroque music, Henry Fielding's satiric mock-heroic novel Jonathan Wild, and then write notes for concert-goers on Tchaikovsky and J.S. Bach. Yay.
It has actually been a blessing in disguise that I've gotten sick. Because apparently I have pneumonia, but caught it very early on and got drugs. :-) So I feel fine, but am allowed to stay home and rest, giving me time to write. Thank you, Jesus!
And I'm listening to Ella while I do it. :-)

1 comment:

Kristina said...

I cannot wait to see you!!!! Where did you find such cuteness for your posting?! Oh my goodness!! I think I must put you in charge of my blog. ;)